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Beetroot, Kale & Sweet Potato Chips

Beetroot Kale & Sweet Potato Chips

Cooking Time:

20-30 minutes

Preparation Time:

10 minutes


4 people


  • Bunch of Kale
  • 2 medium beetroots
  • 1 medium sweet potato


A great way to get the vegetables into the kids.

Kale- cut the leaves from the stalks, drizzle with a little olive oil and crack Himalayan sea salt over the top. Toss, spread and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes on 180 degrees – Keep an eye on them. They will feel crunchy when ready!

Beetroot- using a mandolin, slice the beetroots thinly, drizzle with olive oil and cracked sea salt. Toss, spread out over baking tray and bake. You may like to turn them over after 15 minutes or so.

Sweet Potato- same as the beetroot.