Call us 0418 743 323 | E-mail: hello@karenlandnaturopath.com.au

Weight Loss

    • Do you feel overwhelmed by all the information out there about weight loss?
    • Have you tried many diets, and find yourself putting the weight back on, plus more?
    • Do you eat well and exercise, yet can’t shift the weight?
    • Would you like to lose body fat, while eating real food, for life?
    • Would you like to burn fat while you sleep?

Karen Land Naturopath has the program for you! If you are after a weight loss plan that is based on eating healthy real food, Karen Land Naturopath can tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs and dietary requirements.  Karen Land Naturopath will support and empower you with the knowledge you need to read food labels and successfully lose and or maintain your weight.


How are we different to other weight loss programs?

  1. During your initial consultation we screen you to identify any underlying health issues that may impact on you losing weight. This enables us to address any issues and remove obstacles that may have limited your weight loss in the past.
  2. You will be able to test and monitor your fat burning at home with a simple test conducted twice a day. This will allow you to modify your diet if necessary and motivate you at the same time.
  3. In clinic we measure your body fat, muscle mass, biological age and health at your initial consultation and this allows us to see fat loss over your weight loss journey. The changes are amazing and motivating.
  4. You will be supported with all the education and tools necessary, including recipe ideas, simple easy meal plans and an extensive online resource that helps you take control of your food and what you chose to eat.
  5. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is possibly one of the most important things you can do for your long term health. Not only will you look great, but by reducing the fat that surrounds your organs (visceral fat) you will also reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which are on the increase in Australia and around the world.


Start your weight loss journey today, fill out the form below to make your appointment.


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