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Naturopathic Wellness

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness, based on the principle that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself.

When the body has all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it requires to function optimally, holistic wellness is achieved. Often in today’s world many of us pull up short as our diets are often deficient in the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary. This is the result of many factors including our location, access to a variety of foods, depletion of nutrients in our soils, avoidance of food groups due to allergy, being busy and eating more fast/convenience foods etc. The absence of vital vitamins can have a cascading effect on our health, mental health, energy levels and our ability to function well.

By using various assessment techniques, Naturopathy can help establish what the body is deficient in and assist the body with food and or nutritional supplements including vitamins and minerals, to restore its optimal function, naturally.


Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine in the world. According to WHO (World Health Organisation), more than 75% of the world’s population still uses herbal medicine.

Modern herbal medicine has the benefits of evidence based research, pharmaceutical grade manufacturing processes and access to herbs from all over the world.

Herbal medicine works towards supporting the body to heal itself and restore the body’s defence and restorative mechanisms.

Today, herbal medicine comes in many forms such as liquid tinctures, tablets, capsules and teas, making herbal medicine easy to take and tolerable. Most liquid preparations are preferred as they are more easily absorbed by the body and also give flexibility to the practitioner, allowing them to support multiple conditions in one formula. Most liquid preparations will contain 4-5 herbs, depending on the client and prescription. Prescribed herbal formulas can be taken in water or juice. If liquid preparations are not at all tolerated, then tablets can be prescribed.

Herbal medicine can successfully support many health problems, from the simple cold and flu, which responds quickly to herbs, to more complex health problems including female menstrual problems, PMS, menopause, skin conditions, stress, digestive complaints, the immune system and so on.



Take the first step towards wellness and book your appointment with Karen Land.




Nutrition is the fundamental basis of good health and is vital in achieving optimal health. Karen Land Naturopath is passionate about nutrition and educating her clients and the community about the facts. You can enjoy enriched and balanced nutrition as you leave behind poor health and chronic disease.

Weight Loss

If you are after a weight loss plan that is based on eating healthy real food, Karen Land Naturopath can tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs and dietary requirements. Karen Land Naturopath will support and empower you with the knowledge you need to read food labels and successfully lose and or maintain your weight.


A natural detoxification program can be one of the most effective strategies to improve your state of health as it will help clear toxins out of the body and leave you feeling healthy and energetic. Karen Land Naturopath will conduct a range of tests to establish the type of detox program for your needs.

Supplement Reviews

If you: self prescribe vitamins and minerals, not feel 100% after taking them or lose track of taking so many different supplements, then a Supplement Review might just be the perfect thing for you to optimise your wellness, condense your supplement regime and ensure you are taking the optimal doses for your health.

Food Intolerance Testing

Food intolerances can be tricky to determine using the elimination diet, as often the symptoms can appear days later. We use the Food Detective Test, a fantastic clinical diagnostic tool that tests for food antibodies (IgG) and gives results, in clinic, after only 40minutes.


Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured part of your eye) to assess the tissue conditions in the body. All markings represent information that is indicative of tissue integrity. Karen Land Naturopath uses an Iris-scope to capture images of both eyes and will talk you through your unique images in conjunction with your health findings.


Karen Land Naturopath proudly dispenses cutting edge ‘Practitioner Only’ herbs and supplements. All supplements are therapeutic grade and are both manufactured and bottled in Australia, which is very reassuring and great for supporting Australian businesses.